By default, X-Plane will install to the Desktop.Enter your digital download product key in the boxes on the following screen.When the installer window pops up, select the option for installing a product purchase.Double click the “X-Plane 12 Installer” icon to launch the installer.Ensure your computer is connected to the Internet.To install X-Plane using a digital download product key, do the following: Once the download is finished, unzip the file and double click the installer to run it. Your product key allows you to install X-Plane, run X-Plane, and add additional scenery later. Downloading the installer below that requires your product key.I've never had them on a Skyhawk before.Getting the digital edition of X-Plane 12 consists of two parts: Although, I could also be missing the whole point of vortex generators to begin with. She seems to fly the same with or without them. Still haven't figured out if the vortex generators are helping or not. Could use a choice of propellers in my humble opinion, (kind of like how A2A offered a fine pitch or course pitch prop in their hanger,) I remember from flying the A2A 172 that the course pitch prop gave you about 5 more knots of cruising speed. Other than my preference for analog gauges, (I'm that darn old,) it stands as becoming a favorite 172 in my book. (truth be told, I wasn't watching the electrical gauge when cranking the engine.). Maybe I just have a weak battery and don't know it. Seems like I'm cranking the starter a lot longer than is recommended in the real Cessna manual before the engine catches. It does seem to take a good whack on the starter to get the engine running though. Flight wise, it behaves like I expect a Cessna 172 to behave. Hadn't even given a thought to the experimental flight mode issue, but I guess that gets turned on when you load this particular plane.

I've been a bit perplexed by the lack of a manual for things specific to the sim model, (how to do the tow thing, walk around, stuff that you wouldn't encounter with the real plane, but find in the sim.) So far, I've got the walk around and the tow feature figured out.